All men were born equal but some came with a tag SCUM- Anonymous
Can we agree that everything in existence was made? If we agree with the antecedent statement, then it wouldn't be wrong to say that every personality trait was cultivated. There was a fertilization, a gestation and then a birthing. In fact there was a day one. So before the volume of this "Men are scum" music gets louder, take a moment to study how this music came about. Just maybe your dance steps might change.
Ever noticed some of our dad's find it difficult to say "I love you"? (Mostly In this part of the world) This might not seem anything related to why men are scum or rather thought to be scum. But in my opinion it has everything to do with it. Men are taught from a tender age to MAN UP!, don't be a CHICKEN,don't you know you are a MAN, and many other statements which teaches his subconscious mind to numb emotions. He grows to lack the basic skills (words,actions) of communicating his emotions in a society which expects him to be a MAN and not a CHICKEN. Many of them have been molested, assaulted by either relatives,maids,or even neighbors but he remains mute and MANS up!
The Man often times is left to find out the world for himself and by himself. Did anyone ever sit him down to enlighten him about his hormonal changes? Or what it meant to have a Wet dream? I guess a lot of us (parents included) in the society got very busy with the girl child. Teaching her how to be virtuous, carry her head high and what type of deodorant she needed for her body which underwent puberty. Are you still wondering what went wrong when he took to an "unhealthy" lifestyle of masturbation? In a bid to satisfy the throbbing nerves which no one cared to explain it's cause and how to manage the scary experience of waking up with a painful bulgy abomination under his pants in the name of an EARLY MORNING ERECTION. And in his innate human ability to search for answers, he found answers in a pornographic site which left his sexual appetite burning till he became possesed enough to RAPE the girl you spent all the time on.
Did you also forget you taught the girl "hustle like a man so that you won't have to depend on one" and the boy was busy with toys and video games which gave him a false image of success when ever he scored 5:0 against the COM. Never realizing the real world wasn't designed like a PLAYSTATION but rather you could be innocent yet locked up in a POLICE STATION (pun intended) Now he's all grown and very intimidated when he comes across a very successful female and automatically sees her as a competition.
Dear girl, ever thought to yourself "why is he never satisfied?" Could this be another masculine Superhero ability to be a Scumbag?No. He just wasn't taught to keep his Toy Helicopter so he could have more. He enjoyed the favor of numerous toys. His toys never lasted beyond one month. It was called "Childish lifestyle" then, but now it's called " Casanova lifestyle" he's never satisfied with ONE. But the girl is 25 now and her Barbie doll Still remains but with a silly tangle on the hair ( cos she was trying to nuture it)
The man was designed to win. Little wonder his gross passion for football. He wants to be in charge always but he wasnt taught Moderation. Was he ever pulled away and disciplined the first time he ever raised a hand on the sister? Or any girl? Now he even chokes his wife while having sex, uses curse words on her, binds her with cords,and orders her to "SAY MY NAME" and this which is the perfect Scum is excused with "that's his sexual fetish yen yen yen".
Dear MOMs build the boy into a Man you wished you dated as a girl.
I chose to say this cos 9Eleven cares❤️❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteAs much as this piece hurts and kinda difficult to accept.
It's the simple truth.
Most parents focus all their attention in the training of female children and paying little or no attention to the little errors in the life of the male children.