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Showing posts from January, 2018


CROCS OR NAH! Okay, today I was sitting with my friend and the sister came along. She wanted to go get food and since we were just a bit free at the time we decided to tag along on her request. While we walked down my friend kept saying Hi to almost err one, so there was a repetitive momentary stop we always had to observe to wait for her. While I waited for her with the sister I couldn't help but notice the CROCS she had on. I really don't do well with compliments though but I had I to tell her how nice they looked. Because she wore em neatly and correctly.   Now im not a croc fan, to be earnest enough I dislike them and I even dislike them the more the way some people get to wear them. Now the multi coloured rubber clogs which made way into the light in the year 2002 has been overly abused and in  #LASISI_ELENU'S voice il say "im so upset right now!". How can you wear a shirt buttoned to the neck, wear a coperate pant neatly ironed and shirt neatly tucked i...